The BRC Packaging & Packaging Materials Standard

The BRC & Packaging version includes 7 topics that must comply with:

  • Organizational structure and continuous improvement
  • and system
  • safety and management
  • Site standards (including primary facilities)
  • Product control
  • Process control
  • Personnel aspects.

BRC Packaging & Materials is designed to protect the end consumer and improve safety, reduce and prevent and recalls.

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Scope of application BRC Packaging & Packaging Materials standard

The BRC Packaging & Packaging Materials has been developed for companies that package .  Possible risks that can occur are physical , think of glass, plastic and and also hazards. For example, the effect of the material on the product, through certain chemical processing on the packaging.

BRC Packaging & Packaging Materials certification process

BRC uses a cycle of 1 year. In this year no interim research or audits are done.  Therefore it differs from the generic standard.

Obtaining and maintaining certification through iMIS Food

Obtaining is not easy. You have to comply with many . By working with our solution iMIS it is easier to obtain and also maintain your BRC certification. iMIS Food is the abbreviation for Integrated Management & Systems – for Food Safety and . In other words, an integrated management information system for assurance.

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