Food Safety Theory

The following abbreviations list has been created to aid you in the terminology.

Abbreviations concerning Chemical Hazards

ADIAcceptable daily intake
FFAFree fatty acids
GMOGenetically modified organism
PAHPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PCBPolychlorinated biphenyls
pHpH value / Acidity and alkalinity scale (abbreviation stands for potential of hydrogen)

Abbreviations concerning Microbiological Hazards

aWaW value / free active
anaer.Anaerobe living conditions for organisms (without oxygen)
CFUColony-forming units
fafacultative aerobe living conditions for organisms can live without oxygen
FI infection
FPFood poisoning
m.aerMesophilic aerobic, aerobe living conditions
OOxygen levels

Food Safety Compliance

Abbreviations for HACCP Management

HACCP of Points
CCPCritical Control Point
PRPPrerequisite Program
OPRPOperational Prerequisite Program
GAPGood Agricultural Practices
GMPGood Manufacturing Practices

Abbreviations concerning standards

BAPBest Aquaculture Practices
BRCBritish Consortium
FSSCFood System
Food Safety Initiative
Global Good Agricultural Practices
IFS Featured Standard
ISOInternational for Standardization
SQFSafe Food

Abbreviations concerning Food Safety Authorities

FDAFood and Drug Authority
FSMAFood Safety Modernization Act
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