
The supply chain and food systems are both evolving to adapt to emerging challenges. Every day, new tools are introduced to address to food safety. Many of them take a modern approach that incorporates , and innovative approaches like . offers food safety tools to measure a ’s performance. Furthermore, you can receive the test results in your email address and start improving your food safety management plan immediately.

Scorecard tools are now also available in Italian.

Digital Transformation Calculator 2.0 in Italian

Even though digital technologies can improve the efficiency, speed, and dependability of food safety management, the still lags behind other industries in implementing digital tools. You can use the Digital Transformation Calculator 2.0 to determine your company’s current level of digital maturity and whether you’re ready to implement digital food safety tools such as “iMIS Food”.

Food Safety Compliance Scorecard and Food Safety Culture Scan in Italian

Food Safety within the company has proven to boost the effectiveness of the food safety management systems. Are you aware of what food safety culture means and how to implement it in your company? QAssurance has developed two scorecards that help you understand better this concept and evaluate yourself and your company for food safety culture, delivering the feedback directly to you.

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We are a Food Tech firm in Food Safety Compliance. Experts in setting up and maintaining Food Safety Systems for companies in the Food Supply Chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers for Transparency and Trust in the Global Food Supply Chain.
In our Partnership Program we would like to work together with (Non)Governmental Organizations, Universities, Multinationals and Food companies.

iMIS Food is a fully equipped Food Safety Compliance platform. Unique is the installation of an iMIS Food server at the Food company, for online and offline availability. The online (no travel costs) iMIS Food implementation process includes 6 to 10 days of support and has a lead time of 3 months.

Monthly iMIS Food Update

Would you also like to receive the monthly iMIS Food Update and be invited to our events? Then please fill in this form.

Food Safety news 3-2025

iMIS Food Handbook is available in 4 languages

The digital iMIS Food Handbook is ready and operational in 4 languages. The available languages are Dutch, German, English and French.
The Food Export team goes to Rwanda

The Food Export team goes to Rwanda

The Food Export Team traveled to Rwanda with the purpose of networking, checking the iMIS Food status at Winnaz, and attending the Poultry Africa fair.

Food chain: Working with Smallholders

Read this summary based on "Working with smallholders", an handbook for firms building sustainable supply chains released by the IFC.