BRC Storage & Distribution (English)
The (BRC) British Retail Consortium was formed, an alliance of British retail organisations whose aim was to achieve harmonization of food safety.
BRC Storage & Distribution (English) Info
The (BRC) British Retail Consortium was formed, an alliance of British retail organisations whose aim was to achieve harmonization of food safety.
BRC Storage & Distribution (English) Info
British Retail consortium was formed in cooperation with British retail organisations to harmonise and optimise the safety of food products.
BRC Agents & Brokers: The english version Info
Hier volgt een pagina met een brochure en bedrijfpresentatie van QAssurance. Voor meer informatie over ons, maak gerust een afspraak of bel ons kantoor.
Bedrijfspresentatie QAssurance Nederlands Info
To create a learning environment a holistic approach to business performance, demand and supply relations, legislation and certification is needed.
Food Safety learning application in the organization Info
Das aktuelle Dossier stellt das Unternehmen und QAssurance vor und erläutert die wichtigsten Ziele und Methoden der Organisation für Lebensmittelsicherheit.
QAssurance Firmenpräsentation Info
The current file will explain and introduce QAssurance and how our knowledge based SaaS platform iMIS Food can help to always comply with food safety, legislation, certification.
QAssurance Company Presentation Info
In het basisvoorwaardenprogramma staan diverse mogelijke gevaren en aandachtspunten genoemd. De van toepassing zijnde aspecten worden beheerst door procedures, instructies en de daarbij behorende maatregelen.
Wat zijn beheersmaatregelen? Info
Hierbij volgt een tabel met een voorbeeld voor de basisvoorwaarden voor voedselveiligheid, met de norm, de normtekst en de verdere essentiële specificaties.
Hoe zijn de basisvoorwaarden opgebouwd? Info
Benefit Analyse: vergelijk de huidige situatie en de gewenste situatie, met de voordelen van het implementeren van iMIS Food voor u levensmiddelen bedrijf.
iMIS Food business benefit analyse Info
GLOBALGAP is an international standard for cultivation that focuses on food safety, the environment, and the welfare and safety of personnel.
What is GlobalGAP (good agricultural practices)? Info
The FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is one of the most well-known laws in the United States, with its focus on prevention of food safety issues.
Überblick über die Vorteile der iMIS Food Produkte für Ihr Lebensmittelunternehmen. Die Übersicht wird bald in Deutsch und Niederländisch verfügbar sein.
iMIS FOOD Benefit analyse (Deutsch) Info
The production of safe packaging materials is a crucial part of ensuring safety in the food chain. To ensure this properly, FSSC 22000 has a special certificate namely: FSSC Food Packaging Manufacturing
FSSC Packaging Manufacturing Info
Skal is a European certified organic label, which controls and supervises Dutch organic chains through certification and audits.
Skal Biocontrole: Information about the organization Info
Hereby are information sheets of parasites accompanied with the relevant symptoms when illness is caused by the parasite and how to prevent these parasites.
Parasites Information Sheets Info
Hereby are information sheets of the most relevant foreign bodies, especially sharp and hard foreign objects that could interfere with the production of food.
Hereby are information sheets of the most relevant pathogenic bacteria in the food industry. For example, Salmonella, E. Coli, Listeria and other bacteria.
Pathogens information sheets Info
Hereby is a summary/overview of the most relevant mycotoxins, for example, Aflatoxin or Ochratoxin (OTA), these are well-known hazards for cereal products.
Mycotoxins information sheets Info
Hereby is a summary/overview of the most relevant biotoxins in the food industrial. Natural dioxins are mostly known to occur in aquatic food and food products.
Biotoxin information sheets Info