iMIS Food Portal Chain Communication
With iMIS Food Portal, all iMIS Food systems are centrally accessible in the chain. With iMIS Food Portal, the different parts are accessible for everyone in the chain.
iMIS Food Portal Chain Communication Info
With iMIS Food Portal, all iMIS Food systems are centrally accessible in the chain. With iMIS Food Portal, the different parts are accessible for everyone in the chain.
iMIS Food Portal Chain Communication Info
iMIS Food contains a management system for control rounds and icncident reporting that can be coordinated with existing systems.
iMIS Food Audit Management System Info
With the specification management system, SpecCheck, all the specifications of the finished product under control. SpecCheck is system from raw material to end product.
iMIS Food SpecCheck Specifications and labeling Info
With iMIS Food Connect, the supplier is equipped with a real-time monitoring system, with daily access to the most recent agreed procedures, registrations and required documentation and insight into whether these are demonstrably being complied with by the supplier. The Vendor Assurance team has a real-time dashboard of the performance of all suppliers and can anticipate where necessary.
Vendor Assurance Management with iMIS Food Connect Info
This page will tell you more about the use of iMIS food for packaging companies, and the importance how packaging safeguards the product.
iMIS Food for packaging companies Info
Submit your Food Safety Case to our Food Safety Consultants and receive the answer or solution immediately, so that you can continue immediately!
Submit your Food Safety Case to our Food Safety Consultants and receive the answer or solution immediately, so that you can continue immediately!
iMIS Food for logistics and storage Info
Voedselveiligheid Compliance vanuit Nederlands en Duits perspectief. Hoe vorm je een bedrijf mett ‘Sence en Response’.
Food Safety Compliance: Nederlands en Duits Info
We go back to the basics with the food safety compliance training, the foundation to properly fulfill the complex function of QA manager, now and tomorrow.
Met onze QA opleiding leer je in 5 trainingen alles over HACCP, wetgeving, standaarden, normen, audits, rapportages, Realtime Food Safety Compliance.
Opleiding Food Safety Compliance voor QA Managers Info
With our HACCP team training you can hold a good session with your team. The HACCP team will understand the role to be executed and will see the importance of frequent meetings and minutes.
HACCP team training and meeting requirements Info
BRC stands for British Retail Consortium. This is a trade association for British supermarkets, organization BRC Global Standard for Food Safety developed.
BRC: British Retail Consortium Food Safety Standard Info
With the iMIS Food intranet, all iMIS Food systems are centrally accessible and standardized. Information can easily be shared between people and systems.
iMIS Food Intranet Company Integration Info
IFS stands for the International Featured Standards Food and bears a strong resemblance to BRC Food. In the IFS Food format, a “knock-out criteria” is used.
IFS: International Featured Standards Info
The FSSC 22000 stands for Food Safety System Certification 22 000 and is an internationally recognized form of demonstrable food safety derived from the Codex.
Team QAssurance gaat golfsurfen! Vorige week had het gehele team van QAssurance een leuk event. In plaats van de vrijdag middag borrel op kantoor, gingen zij surfen op het strand Ter Heijde
Team QAssurance gaat golfsurfen! Info
Team QAssurance goes surfing! Last week, the whole team of QAssurance had a nice event. Instead of Friday afternoon drinks at the office, they went surfing at beach Ter Heijde.
QAssurance goes surfing at beach Ter Heijde! Info
This page will contain information about Food Safety certification in different countries. In total there areĀ 38.461 companies in eleven countries.
BRC, IFS, FSSC 22000 Certification: overview of 11 countries Info
iMIS Food was founded in 2006 by Cornelis van Elst and Martijn Bartlema. A great idea on a trip to Norway ended up in a managing system for food safety.
iMIS Food: Older than average QA department Info
Uit het GFSP-rapport blijkt dat meer dan de helft van de door donoren gefinancierde voedselveiligheidsprojecten in Afrika bezuiden de Sahara (SSA) gericht zijn op exportmarkten en dat de voedselveiligheid voor Afrikaanse consumenten dus niet aan de orde komt.
Voedselveiligheid projecten in Afrika Info