QA manager or QA issue manager

QA manager or QA issuemanager?: In recent months I have again been giving plenty of HACCP training in . This is a nice way to work within companies and training courses can be used to validate the HACCP system as well.

The HACCP Team

What strikes me is that most of the food companies do not know what the HACCP study looks like, where they can find it and who is on the . In the ideal situation, these training courses are given by the HACCP . Because of this everyone knows who is in the HACCP team and the team knows also directly to what extent the HACCP approach is institutionalized within the .

QA Manager & Food Safety Culture

Due to the combination of increased due to standards and legislation and understaffing in the QA department, in in many cases the QA or QESH manager has become an issue manager and has no time to train. This does not benefit the Food within a company.

The current QA-department

Because the email box of the QA department is full with , questionnaires, adjustments and the follow-up of, for , MRL violations, it is not possible to work structurally on the implementation and of the QA function within the company. This creates even more issues and creates a negative spiral that can lead to even lower staffing levels in the QA department.

iMIS Food

With iMIS Food this trend can be stopped. By offering a good QA infrastructure and processes, various QA activities can be performed in other departments. The understaffed QA department becomes more of a QA coach to facilitate the company’s deal with Food Safety itself.

Shortage QA personnel

With the current shortage of QA and the increasing regulatory burden, this digital transformation of the QA function is, in my , a great opportunity to properly manage Food Safety as a company.

A nice article to tackle the negative spiral by Elizabeth Doty:

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We are a Food Tech firm in Food Safety Compliance. Experts in setting up and maintaining Food Safety Systems for companies in the Food Supply Chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers for Transparency and Trust in the Global Food Supply Chain.
In our Partnership Program we would like to work together with (Non)Governmental Organizations, Universities, Multinationals and Food companies.

iMIS Food is a fully equipped Food Safety Compliance platform. Unique is the installation of an iMIS Food server at the Food company, for online and offline availability. The online (no travel costs) iMIS Food implementation process includes 6 to 10 days of support and has a lead time of 3 months.

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