Dried herbs and spices and legislation

Here follows a table with a legislation of dried and spices;

(EC) No 178/2002General principles and requirements of establishing the European and laying down procedures in matters of safety
(EC) No 852/2004
(EC) No 2073/2005Microbiological criteria for food
(EC) No 396/2005 Maximum residue levels of in or on certain
(EU) No 1169/2011Provision of food information to consumers
(EC) No 1881/2006Setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs
(EC) No 401/2006Methods of sampling and for the official of the levels of mycotoxins in foodstuffs
The legislation table will be renewed: An update will follow soon


Table 2: Common microbiological hazards

GenusPathogenic speciesGRForm, mobilityO₂T (C.)T1 (C.)pH-OpH-RAwIllness
Bacilluscereus+Rod (3-5 um length 1 um wide) spore-forming, Aerobe (sometimes Fa)28,3510,0-48,06.0- 7,54,9-9,3>0.91Poisoning (Tox. 1) and infection (Tox. 2)

Table 3: Possible Mycotoxins, derived from the Hazards table Mycotoxins

Mycotoxin (toxin from fungus)FungusAgricultural and food productsADI of AWI (ug/kg body weight)EffectsLegislative regulationsComments
Aflatoxin (five species: B1, B2, G1, G2; M1 occurs in milk and comes from B1) and M2 (M1 and M2 are conversion products of Aflatoxin B1, B2 into lactating mammalsAspergillus flavus Aspergillus parasiticusCereals, buckwheat, maize and maize products, cottonseed, peanuts, other nuts (pistachio-nuts, walnuts), spices, dried figs, milk (products), sesame seed soy and soy products.Acute toxic; degradation of liver and kidneys. Chronic: carcinogenic (cancer forming), especially in the liver.Maximum levels according to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 B 1 is the most common and toxic carcinogen. In milk (products) the most common aflatoxin M 1 formed. After that, B 1 is broken down. Around 1-3% B 1 is processed in milk to M 1. M 1 is not as poisonous and carcinogenic as B 1. Next to M 1 are other break-down products of B 1 in milk. Fungus mainly grows during transport and storage in the tropics, characterised mainly by high temperatures (optimum 25 °C: range 8-37) and or high (>83%). In developed countries (VS), aflatoxins are mainly caused during difficult growth seasons (growth stress).
Ochratoxin A&BAspergillus Penicillium speciesBarley, rye, wheat, rice, maize, peanuts, Brazilian nuts, peppers, Cotton seed, and Cheese.AWI of toxin A: 0,112 (JECFA, 1990) limit: 10 ug/kg food . LD 50 (rat, oral) van toxin A: 20 mg/kgMaximum levels according to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006Toxin A is more toxic than B. In the Netherlands, such low amounts found that the risk is perceived as very low and therefore is there no norm. Growth fungus is possible in a temperate climate. Toxin A is inactivated at > 221 °C

Possible chemical hazards in Dried herbs and spices

Table 4: Possible chemical , derived from the Hazard table chemical hazards

Chemical componentFood productLegislationComments
Pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, insecticides)Vegetables, spices and herbsmax. Amount. Acceptance and usage of pesticides are regulated in Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. 
Dioxins: Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD’s), Polychlorinated dibenzofurans PCDF and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD).Meat (through Feed) and poultry, fish (especially fatty fish such as herring and salmon) and Vegetables, Oils/fats, dairy and eggsMaximum levels according to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006Formed from chlorinated linkages during heating with low oxygen levels. Carcinogenic for humans and animals above a threshold level.
Heavy metals (lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), tin (Ti), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As))Vegetables, spices, herbs, herbs (heavy metals might contaminate food through air, water and soil).Maximum levels according to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006Cd might occur in Batteries, plastics and paint. Cd might induce lung cancer and kidney . Pb is neurotoxic and could induce anaemia and miscarriages.
Azo dye and similar colourantsspices and herbs: chilli, pepper bell, pepper powder, chilli powder, coarse pepper, cayenne pepper and palm oil.ForbiddenThe importing party’s certificates of analysis are mandatory, and member states conduct random sampling.
AcrylamideFries and toasts
GeneralRegulation (EU) No 1169/2011Give it extra attention when it is known that cross-contamination is possible at the level.
Cleaning and disinfectantsGeneralForbiddenIt shouldn’t be contaminated through the production of the process.
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