FOGA Organic Gum iMIS
In June 2021, FOGA Organic Gum from Sudan started the implementation of iMIS Food Global. The iMIS Food server in Rotterdam is currently being fully set up for FSSC22000 certification, after which real-time tracking and registration in the factory can be done. Gum production in Khartoum can be both verified and validated from our Global Food Center and our Food Safety experts can support directly. To read more about FOGA Organic Gum and the implementation of the iMIS Food Global we refer to the online article of the Dutch news medium Trouw.
FOGA Organic
FOGA believes that the work we’ve done so far is only the beginning for future generations. FOGA’s corporate social responsibility includes the following:
Fair pricing for farmers are one way FOGA helps to food security. As a result, they have more money to spend on their families’ meals. FOGA assists them in improving the gum’s quality so that they may command even greater rates in the marketplace.
Women in the villages are paid to care after the seedlings in village nurseries. Their family will benefit from the additional money. Women may also cultivate additional trees or crops in the nursery, enhancing the local food supply and reducing food waste.
Water projects such as deep wells and pump stations are paid for by their social return. For the purpose of rehabilitating wells and building water extension pipes, FOGA works with the management of local water to reach an agreement.
Ecosia Documentary
See more footage of FOGA in the following video;
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