Introduction Viruses, rickets and prions

We have several HACCP tables. Below you can see the HACCP variation table we have composed concerning the subject ‘, ricket and prions’. Since this table is very extensive, we recommend using the download below to view the table properly.

Table: Possible hazards viruses, rickets and prions

Virus, ricket, prionOrigin MID MeasurementsComments
Hepatitis-aHumanAll food products are contaminated by humans or food that is contaminated by faecal polluted water →, especially .A few virus particlesInfectious jaundice. Incubation period: 2 to 6 weeks. . Contaminated should not process raw materials. Heat for several minutes at 85-90 ° C. Sensitive target should prevent shellfish consumption.Chlorination resistant. Because of the long incubation time, is it difficult to trace the origin.
Viral-gastroenteritis (stomach flu with diarrhoea, stomachache and vomiting) viruses (adenovirus, astrovirus, calicivirus, , Norwalk virus, rotavirus)HumanAll food products direct or through aerosols or vomiting by human contaminated or faecal polluted water → especially shellfish.A few virus particlesGastroenteritis. Incubation time is 12-50 hours; infants and small children are extra sensitive to viruses.Personal hygiene. Contaminated persons should prevent the handling of raw materials. Heating: several minutes at 85-90 ° C. Sensitive target groups should prevent shellfish consumption.Norwalk virus is the most common among older children and adults. However, rotavirus could be fatal for infants and young children. In addition, 30% of gastroenteritis is caused by viruses (not necessarily through food!).
Poliovirus (rickettsia)HumanRaw PolioPasteurized milkUnder in the Netherlands.
PrionsSheep, old cows and humans.Organs contain central nervous system tissues (brain for example).Degenerative diseases of the nervous system.Scrapie (at sheep), BSE (bovine) and Creutzfeldt Jacob (Humans) are caused by prions. Further relatively unknown. Transmission from animal to human (zoonoses) and the transmission from bovine to human is very probable.
Coxiella burnetii
Raw milk
Norwalk-like (Norovirus) viruses (part of the Calicivirus family. Food products without heat treatment before consumption, shellfish and washed fruits and vegetables.10-100 (very low)The infection causes explosive diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and fever. Children mainly vomit. Incubation period: 24-48 hours. The duration disease is two days. Medication is not available and necessary. All consumers are prone to infections. Groups with decreased immunity (YOPIs) have an increased risk. Infected people stay three days after being symptom-free and contagious. Infected people stay three days after being symptom-free and contagious.Do not use water that might be contaminated by faeces from the of fresh food products. Heat for one and a half minutes at 90 °C to inactivate viruses. Improve hygiene of the whole food chain. Staff who are probably contaminated should conduct different work, even after the disappearance of the symptoms. Inhibit virus outbreaks in places where contaminated shellfish are being cultivated. of microbiological criteria for viruses.NLV viruses are very contagious. Toxins are not being formed. This type of virus could cause outbreaks in places where humans live in close communities. It can survive when a product is heated insufficiently. There is no legislation for the inhibition of viral food infections. The virus needs to reproduce.
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