Salmonella enteritidis iMIS Knowledge Sheet
Salmonellosis is a gastrointestinal illness caused by the bacteria Salmonella. The pathogen is a notorious food hazard in a plethora of products types.
Salmonella enteritidis iMIS Knowledge Sheet Info
Salmonellosis is a gastrointestinal illness caused by the bacteria Salmonella. The pathogen is a notorious food hazard in a plethora of products types.
Salmonella enteritidis iMIS Knowledge Sheet Info
To register which the hazards with the accompanying risk a HACCP will be done to evaluate the raw materials in the process.
Hazard analysis and hazard evaluation raw materials Info
Hereby are information sheets of parasites accompanied with the relevant symptoms when illness is caused by the parasite and how to prevent these parasites.
Parasites Information Sheets Info
Hereby are information sheets of the most relevant foreign bodies, especially sharp and hard foreign objects that could interfere with the production of food.
Hereby are information sheets of the most relevant pathogenic bacteria in the food industry. For example, Salmonella, E. Coli, Listeria and other bacteria.
Pathogens information sheets Info
Hereby is a summary/overview of the most relevant mycotoxins, for example, Aflatoxin or Ochratoxin (OTA), these are well-known hazards for cereal products.
Mycotoxins information sheets Info
Hereby is a summary/overview of the most relevant biotoxins in the food industrial. Natural dioxins are mostly known to occur in aquatic food and food products.
Biotoxin information sheets Info
Overview page where you can download various documents to help you better ensure food safety. Documents include presentations and info.
Downloads : Food Safety Documents Info