The food industry: A letter to the auditee
Herewith follows a letter for the party to be audited to make them more aware of the current situation of certification.
The food industry: A letter to the auditee Info
Herewith follows a letter for the party to be audited to make them more aware of the current situation of certification.
The food industry: A letter to the auditee Info
Hierbij volgt een een brief voor de partij die geaudit moet worden om ze meer bewustgeving te geven van de huidige situatie van certificeren.
Status van certificering: Een brief naar de auditee Info
iMIS Certification, allows certifying bodies to be accreditated for ISO17021 on a real-time level. iMIS Certification consists of the following modules.
iMIS Certification for Certifying Bodies. Info
In a short period of time, many Dutch FSCC firms were suspended. Globally, BRC and IFS, FSCC 22000 are one of the primary certification standards used.
The Dutch get a bronze medal in FSSC suspensions Info
Door de consolidatie van Food Safety aanbieders in Nederland is de verdeling van bedrijven overzichtelijk geworden, QAssurance, Normec en Merieux.
Consolidatie Food Safety aanbieders Nederland Info
The next page discusses how to apply the, plan, do , check, act circle or the Deming circle to food certification management.
Deming circle and Certification management Info
When a food company is suspended by the certifier without reason, it has nothing to do with your company but with their mismanagement.
Suddenly, suspended for FSSC22000? How can it happen? Info