Risk Analysis

Hereby an of an analysis;

Organic Checkpoint Purchases

of choice within the EU You can only buy from certified companies Purchase from a non-certified supplier Copy of the certificate valid in its own administration and annual check thereof 
Import, supplier outside the EU You can only buy from certified companies Purchase from a non-certified supplier Copy of the certificate valid in its own administration and annual check thereof 
Import, supplier outside the EU You can only have your imported batches received in certified companies First non-certified recipient Copy of the certificate valid in its own administration and annual check thereof 

Reception of organic control points

Acceptance of the supplier within the EU You can only accept organic products GB product delivered instead of BIO  of the delivery note and the indication on the product or self-declaration, then registration 
Reception by import You can only accept a completed CVI / Deportation Declaration stamped by Customs. This gives products within the EU organic status Absence of customs clearance by Customs (CVI box 17) Documenten: – 1235/2008 + beoordeel bijlagenen bepaal of CB exporter isgeaccrediteerd door de EU voor dejuiste productcategorie (A t / m F). – CVI vak 17 / wegvoeringsverklaring van deDouane die in verband gebracht kanworden met de geleverde partij 
Receipt by bulk transport You can only accept bulk transport if the truck has been clearly cleaned in advance ORGANIC product in bulk means of transport not (obviously) cleaned 

Prepare organic checkpoints

Working method You can only market or produce certified products (service providers)  of an uncertified product Obtain Product Certification 
Working method Your product must conform to the approved product specification Product composition does not meet approved product specifications Exactly match the recipe of work to approved product specification 
Preparation Your product must conform to the approved product specification Choosing the wrong raw materials -Traceability of the procedure 
name, weight and LOT code of each raw material 
Preparation Your products are not made with or by GMOs. Choice of wrong excipients, and flavors, high risk GBproducts containing GMOs GMO-free declarations and natural flavor declaration, Flavor Directive1334 / 2008 
Preparation You can only use authorized excipients Choice of wrong excipients, eg GB powdered flour in , GB oil as a cleaning agent in chocolate industry, Natamycin cheese coating Obviously authorized use of additives and of unauthorized additives. 
Preparation You cannot use a conventional take-back for organic products Recovery processing of GB parts – Indicate the recovery processing in the process diagram 
– Indicate the recovery processing in the working recipe 
– Correctly indicate the recovery in the GB / BIO storage 
Preparation You must be able to trace internal product flows Non-traceable product flow  traceability 
– Registration name, weight and LOT code of each raw material 
Preparation You can only produce on clean materials / equipment Dirty materials / equipment (GB) -Cleaning procedure 
cleaning and it 
Preparation You should use a biological rinse aid when residue may remain and / or residue (GBM) may be present Insufficient cleaning and / or residue (GBM) of rinse aid (grain / maize / oil / …) used in closed systems Only use the BIO rinse aid once and add value to GB after use 
Sort / wash You can only produce on clean materials / equipment Dirty materials / equipment (GB)  -Verification of cleaning and recording thereof
Washing / cutting You must avoid contamination by unauthorized (residues from conventional production and / or added agents such as defoamers, bacterial growth inhibitors, etc.) Contaminated (treatment / washing / transport) of GBproducts -Cleaning procedure / use of new wash water -Recording of use of new wash water 

Packaging organic checkpoints

Packaging You can only pack clean materials / equipment Dirty materials / equipment (GB) -Cleaning procedure 
– Checking cleaning and saving it 
Label (designation) on the product You can only call the product organic if it is organic Wrong label on the product (GB ⇔ BIO) 
Coding (LOT code) You must be able to trace internal product flows to the endpoint Traceability – Traceability procedure 
– Link expiration date / lot / lot code to the raw materials used 

Biological control points Transport

Internal transport by means of elevators, chain conveyors, conveyor belts, piping, etc. You can only use clean means of transport Dirty conveyance (GB) and / or leaking valves, etc. -Cleaning procedure 
– Checking cleaning and saving it 
bulk transport You can only accept bulk transport if the truck has been clearly cleaned in advance Biological product in bulk means of transport not (obviously) cleaned -Procedure reiniging 
– Aanwezigheid vanreinigingscertificaat of registratievan eigen controle voor verladin 
Transporting packaged products You must avoid contamination by unauthorized substances. Contaminatie puts GB producten Check whether the is properly closed 

Explanation of abbreviations:
BIO = Organic
GB = Common
I.O = In transition
CVI = Import certificate
CB = Control Body
GBm = Phytosanitary product
gm = genetically modified organism
List of third countries = List of recognized equivalent third countries for which no import exemption is required for import

Look for:
The diagram above is an example. You need to perform risk analysis for your own and business processes, as you may know from HACCP and / or hygiene codes. Some things will not apply to your business, and other risks or additional risks may be identified within your business. In addition, this example cannot be copied individually into your manual. You should describe the risks and controls based on your own business processes.

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