What requirements should I set for external maintenance?

Dear ,

You will receive these conditions in duplicate. One version must be signed by you for approval and returned.

Deliveries must take place in accordance with these terms and conditions, other agreements made in writing or purchase contracts. If are made by us to these terms and conditions, you are obliged to implement them.

If we do not work in accordance with these conditions, we reserve our right not to accept the services. Any costs can be recovered from you by us. If you cannot deliver on the agreed date or time, you must inform us in time to prevent downtime.


  • Before the start of the work, your mechanic must report and fill in our visitor statement.
  • After completing the work, your mechanic must log off.
  • No work may be carried out if your mechanic has a contagious infectious .
  • The work is only carried out by trained .
  • There is no deviation from our .
  • It is only allowed to work with grade . If this has to be deviated from, this must be clearly communicated prior to the work.
  • An by us on is permitted in of where openness of all relevant must be given.
  • In the of a possible recall that may have an impact on our operation, the department should be contacted directly by telephone to prevent worse.
  • The work must always take place in a way that cannot have a negative impact on:
    • Food and quality of our products
    • Occupational health and safety

In all cases, in the event of , which may directly relate to the food safety or quality of our products, we must be informed immediately.
If you have to deviate from one of the above , we will be informed immediately.

With this statement, the existing certificates are also sent.



Name authorized signatory:


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We are a Food Tech firm in Food Safety Compliance. Experts in setting up and maintaining Food Safety Systems for companies in the Food Supply Chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers for Transparency and Trust in the Global Food Supply Chain.
In our Partnership Program we would like to work together with (Non)Governmental Organizations, Universities, Multinationals and Food companies.

iMIS Food is a fully equipped Food Safety Compliance platform. Unique is the installation of an iMIS Food server at the Food company, for online and offline availability. The online (no travel costs) iMIS Food implementation process includes 6 to 10 days of support and has a lead time of 3 months.

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