Food Safety Compliance from a Dutch and German perspective

In this Online Meet Your Expert, ir. Cornelis van Elst and drs. Michel Goldbach addressed how to transform the company into a real Sense and Response company with regard to Safety .

consists of:

  1. The food company: performance management
  2. The customers and consumers of the company: demand relationship management
  3. The company’s suppliers: supply relationship management
  4. Food legislation that must be complied with (license to produce): legislation management
  5. The Food standards to which the company has committed itself (license to sell): management

In the business world hardly any action is taken on this vision. The quality performance of a food company is related to the achievement of an FSSC 222000, BRC Food, or IFS Food certificate, this is only 5% of the Food Safety Compliance management. The company must be equipped to continuously identify new legislation and standard , as well as to pro-actively anticipate changing consumer needs and any issues in the Food Supply Chain.

We discussed the current Food Safety situation in the Netherlands and . The session will be used as input for a Food Safety Conference in October!

Meet your experts

Cees Cropped
Ir. Cees van Elst

Cornelis van Elst has been active in Food Safety for over 25 years and is an speaker in the field of Food Safety Compliance. During his studies (Industrial Engineering and Management Science) at the Technological University Eindhoven, Cornelis specialized in IT and quality.

Michel Goldbach
Drs. Michel Goldbach

Michel Goldbach has studied Pharmaceutical Chemistry and is the director of Food Analytical Technologies. His is specialized in the latest developments of monitoring the Food Safety situation from a and microbiological perspective.

Questions answered in this webinar:

1. Have the National Food Safety Authorities in the EU the same priorities?
2. Can the Food Safety Authority in an EU country forbid Food Products from another EU country? Quality Standards
3. Is there a relationship between the Dutch Food and Goods Authority and Quality Standards?
4. Do Retailers accept ?
5. What will be the impact of Brexit on BRC? Food Factory
6. Who is by the law responsible for Food Safety?
7. What is the status of digitalization?
8. Are HACCP teams active in all factories? and Consumer
9. What is the difference between brand and private label?
10. Will consumers demand more information about what they consume?
11. What will be the impact of pension funds going to investments instead of oil etc? Realtime Food Safety Compliance
12. What is the status of digitalization in the EU?
13. Will real-time monitoring benefit the local farmers in ?
14. What is the future of certification?

Partners included:

Online meeting QAssurance

About QAssurance

specializes in Food Safety. We enable food producers to manage Food Safety themselves. To achieve this, iMIS Food has been developed. iMIS Food offers a complete infrastructure for QA matters, allowing for efficient compliance with changing legislation and standards. With the iMIS Food Helpdesk, professional support is available for content and software questions.

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