Cornelis Bartlema Food Group B.V. – Recall test

Cornelis Bartlema Food Group test

Relationship: Cornelis Bartlema Food Group B.V.
Present: Remon Hameete and Martinus van Elst
Purpose: Execution of a recall test

Recall test Cornelis Bartlema Food Group B.V.

Start: 15:25

End time: 3.58 pm

Duration: 33 minutes (excluding work-out time)

This recall test was carried out in combination with the tracing test by and the customer. Phone book:
All phone numbers are accessible via…… The reporting guide can be found on the NVWA website. And is also in the handbook.

QAssurance was called as a test. Within 2 minutes contact was made with the head office. Recall test:
The recall was used as a guideline for the recall test. The various steps have been discussed in this report. Fictitious agreements/examples have been used.

The recall procedure has been reviewed and fictitious agreements/examples have been used. These are detailed below. The recall was based on an incorrect declaration in the . According to the reporting guide, an incorrect allergen declaration is always a necessity for recall. In order to “practice a recall”, the recall test was carried out. In addition to the recall test, a tracking test was carried out to determine whether we can trace the products in a timely and correct manner. Notification from the customerReport
of illness due to the consumption of the filled cake large 100 grams with production date 9-7-2019 Due to a wrong label on the packaging with an incorrect allergen declaration. This disease report is taken fictitiously.

When accepting the , we ask about the of the disease, date of receipt and consumption, THT dates, how many people are sick, code etc.  Martinus van Elst. immediately informed QAssurance and the MT what the procedure is.

Crisis team

– Martinus van Elst has ensured that the following crisis team was convened:

– MT

– Quality service

– Cees van Elst (QAssurance) or Remon Hameete (QAssurance)

– Possibly other departments such as , sales, production (leader)

Determining the risk (crisis team)

The disease notification is taken fictitiously.

Normally, there would be:

  • microbiological and/or research are carried out to determine the cause (in case of return sample or from batch stock);
  • be assessed whether it concerns incidental reporting;
  • be kept in touch with consumers about the progress of the disease.

It is important to find out whether eating the product is really the cause. In this test case, we have assumed that:

  • several people have detected the wrong label / have become ill
  • the cause of illness: a wrong label on the packaging with an incorrect allergen declaration

From a legal point of view, the obligation is to retrieve products with incorrect labelling and therefore incorrect allergen declaration from the consumer and to inform the NVWA. Of course also because of our in the chain and towards consumers. This is determined on the basis of the reporting guide.


The crisis team has determined how to communicate with:

  • the customers are informed by the sales department.
  • the press is informed by management.
  • the NVWA is informed by quality manager. with the help of QAssurance;
  • internal is carried out by management.
  • the lloyds certification body is informed by quality manager and QAssurance.

Internal communication

Internally there is communication:

  • The cause recall and consequences of this.
  • There is a duty of silence until more is clear.
  • The external communication runs through management.
  • No telephones may be answered except by the quality manager. This applies to external calls.
  • Leaving the is supervised by possible press.

Dutch Food Safety Authority

Quality manager reports the recall (together with QAssurance) and the to be taken to the Dutch . In consultation with the Dutch Food Safety Authority, the follow-up measures will be discussed. Checked whether the report form was available

Customers and press

Sales should inform all customers. It has been assessed whether all telephone numbers are quickly available. All telephone numbers can be printed directly from the system.

The crisis team has determined to be clear with our customers. In short, it has been communicated that:

  • that the product contains an incorrect label;
  • there is a of consumer illness;
  • that the products must be blocked and returned;
  • that there will be a mailing in the newspaper to warn individual consumers.

Initially, it is only communicated to the press that an investigation is ongoing and there are no statements to be made yet. Only after informing the customers and drawing up the advertisement will any press be further informed.

The Lloyd’s certification body will be informed within 3 working days by the quality manager or QAssurance d.m.v. of the recall notification form on the Lloyd’s website ( In addition, an e-mail and the relevant auditor will be sent.

DNV has a separate procedure

In addition to the competent authorities and customers, the certification body DNV will also  be informed within 3 working days. See certificate/letter exchange details for this. The certification body must be informed of any significant food safety , such as a product recall or legal food safety non-conformity.

The notification must contain the following:

  • Identification of the product (name and lot)
  • Lot size
  • Reason for recall
  • Origin/source
  • Description of the first action taken
  • Planning of the next steps/activities
  • Date of next
  • What standard is your company certified against?


This phase of the recall went well.

No adjustments required

  1. Determination of used raw material, excipient and end products (quality service)

This is determined in the tracing test. All necessary is available within 4 hours.

  1. Cessation of production and logistics (quality service / logistics)

All products that would be present in the storage can be blocked. The delivered products can be returned. The products will be returned with our truck.

  1. Informing suppliers (quality service)

The suppliers can be traced back from the raw materials and auxiliary materials. They will be informed to ensure that they can take any measures.

  1. Find alternative products (team / internal sales)

Assuming that no production is possible anymore, it was decided to temporarily purchase products as an alternative for our customers.

  1. Retrieval of products and/or warning customers (quality service)

All necessary data can be found quickly and correctly. Within 4 hours you can start retrieving products and informing customers.

  1. Arranging alternative products for a longer term/alternative production location

(crisis team)

Assuming that no production is possible anymore, it was decided to temporarily purchase products as an alternative for our customers.

  1. Evaluation (crisis team)

The recall procedure is good and organized.

  1. Calculation (financial administration)

Not run due to test case.


The recall test was carried out within the set period of 4 hours. All the different steps have been reviewed and discussed. It can be concluded that the recall procedure works well and that all necessary steps are included. A small adjustment has been made to the recall procedure, namely that the NVWA reporting guide has been added to the procedure.

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