Winnaz Case
To give an example of the Food Global Markets Program, we as QAssurance partnered up with Winnaz, a potato crisps producer in Rwanda. Here is a small teaser video to see the program. The full video and more information about the case are available at the following link.
Food Global Markets Program Members
iMIS e-learning Food Safety in Tanzania at iLearn Centre
Webinar access to Global Markets BPWA
The Global Food Safety Resource (GFSR)
Collaboration between QAssurance and Agrea
ProFound collaboration with QAssurance
1-2 Taste collaboration with QAssurance
How to enable Food Safety in emerging countries to meet Food Safety Compliance standards?
In 2020, QAssurance developed iMIS Food Global to enable Food companies in emerging countries to meet Food Safety Compliance standards.
In collaboration with Hollanda Fair Foods, a crisps factory in Rwanda (Winnaz) has been fully equipped for FSSC22000. This project is a great first step for QAssurance to address the following questions and actions.

Phase 1: Overview
- What is the status of Food Safety in Africa in the area of Food Safety Compliance?
- Which countries have the most Food Safety initiatives and will benefit from improving the quality of food production?
- Which stakeholders, NGOs, Foundations and other parties play a role in this area and initiate projects in this area? (such as Fair Trade organizations, WHO, USAID, etc.)
- Development of a supporting website about Food Safety Compliance and iMIS Food Global for collaboration with stakeholders
Phase 2: East Africa
- How is this specifically arranged for East Africa?
- How does this apply to the situation in Rwanda?
- What can we learn from the online implementation of iMIS Food Global in Rwanda?
- Develop a supportive website for the implementation of iMIS Food Global for the Food factory