Food Export Program member: The GFSR
The Global Food Safety Resource (GFSR) is widely recognized as a leading educational resource for professionals working in the field of food safety in Canada. The GFSR provide:
- Their viewpoints and information
- Training on the most current food safety developments
- Regulatory compliance
- Industry standards
- Other food safety-related information via their online media channels as well as through the platform that they developed called Safe Food Training Hub (SFTH).
Together, we hope to increase our knowledge of Food Safety and Compliance, to improve the situation in emerging countries.

Mission Statement:
To be a global leader within the food community by providing companies with valuable resources that will enhance their credibility with consumers.
With the GFSR you will find out how to locate a food safety consultant, cultivate a food safety culture throughout your organization, and get access to a plethora of additional topics pertaining to food safety. Companies of all sizes and stages can benefit from the actionable insights provided by Global Food Safety Resource. This is true whether you run a small company that is just getting off the ground or a major multinational corporation that exports to world markets and helps to maintain continued industry and regulatory compliance.
Why the GFSR?
Food firms are being required to comply with increasing levels of regulatory requirements and industry standards in order to fulfill the rising demand from customers and the growing number of product recalls. When doing business on any size, whether locally or internationally, adhering to standards based on HACCP is a prerequisite that must be met. Visitors to the website of the GFSR have the option of subscribing to one of various digital publications, such as eye on Food Safety, their Webzine, or a blog, Food Safety in a Global Village, in order to access a wide range of material that is both pertinent and up to date.
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