Purpose of the knowledge questions

the knowledge level of our . Determine the effectiveness of the training and courses. 

Definition: knowledge questions

Knowledge level: general knowledge of our employees with respect to:


Each employee has an , training or instruction had in respect to the aspects listed in the definition. The employee must be kept aware. This check is to see if it is sufficient.

  • The questionnaire in the iMIS Audit should be checked.
  • Ask a random employee the various from the iMIS Audit. 
  • whether the answers are correct.

The audit, on one hand, gives insight into the knowledge of our employees. On the other hand it gives about the effectiveness of the courses and trainings which we give or have had given. The effectiveness is assessed through the .

Actions by abnormalities:

When one of the questions is assessed as insufficient, the employee shall be retrained. This should take place immediately after the audit in the form of an oral instruction.

If an additional instruction is given, a recheck should take place within one month. If insufficient, the steps must be repeated again. This is until the knowledge is present. 

Record all and in iMIS Audit and Dbase.

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We are a Food Tech firm in Food Safety Compliance. Experts in setting up and maintaining Food Safety Systems for companies in the Food Supply Chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers for Transparency and Trust in the Global Food Supply Chain.
In our Partnership Program we would like to work together with (Non)Governmental Organizations, Universities, Multinationals and Food companies.

iMIS Food is a fully equipped Food Safety Compliance platform. Unique is the installation of an iMIS Food server at the Food company, for online and offline availability. The online (no travel costs) iMIS Food implementation process includes 6 to 10 days of support and has a lead time of 3 months.

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